Curieuzeneuzen (2021)

Dry lawns, dried up brooks, dying trees… these have sadly become familiar sights in our nature and gardens over the last years. But how are our soils really doing? Which factors influence the soil humidity in our garden the most?  What can we do about it as individuals?

CurieuzeNeuzen Vlaanderen (literally translated: Curious Noses) is the biggest citizen inquiry on heath and drought ever performed. Five thousand citizens all over Flanders were selected to place a dagger probe in their garden. This measured the soil humidity of that specific location over the course of six months. Researchers wanted to better map the effects of the increasingly warm and dry summers.

On behalf of De Standaard and University of Antwerp, we filmed the ambassadors of the project and asked them why they put a dagger probe in their lawn. Famous Belgian ambassadors who participated are Sien Wynants, Wouter Deprez, Jill Peeters, Koen Vanmechelen and Britt Van Marsenille.


More on CurieuzeNeuzen on


Mediahuis / De Standaard
Director: Stig Junes
DOP: Lorenz Florizoone
Editing: Stig Junes & Lorenz Florizoone

Discover the project


Discover the project

Behind the scenes


DEMIGODS I documentary


KOEN VANMECHELEN I docu portraits