Cavaria - Call it hate

CALL IT HATE was a European campaign to raise awareness among the general public of LGBTQ+ hate crimes. The campaign was started by 10 LGBTQ+ organizations in the European Union, with the umbrella organization Cavaria as the Belgian exponent.

The goal of the ‘Call It Hate’ campaign was to increase empathy and understanding about the impact of hate crimes, but also to get LGBTQ+ individuals and their close ones to talk about hate crimes.

We wanted to show the core concepts of the campaign with four videos. Ten couples take a seat at the table and are confronted with LGBTQ themes and hate crimes in the form of cartoons. They could comment on what was showed and voice their own opinion and feelings on the topic.


Client: Cavaria, Zizo Mag
Director: Stig Junes
DOP: Lorenz Florizoone
Editing: Stig Junes

Discover the campaign

Behind the scenes


IN DE WELKOM I docu portrait


CURIEUZENEUZEN I campaign video (Copy)